Notas sobre Government

Exchange Summit 2015

Exchange Summit 2015

From E-Invoicing to Supply Chain Financing E-Invoicing is still an important topic for the majority of companies around the world. With new government initiatives ahead, a diversity of challenges need to be faced. The Exchange Summit 2015 held on October 5th and 6th in Barcelona provides a platform to get in-depth information about recent developments and future trends. Global thought leaders will discuss, amongst other topics, how changes and.. [08 de Julio del 2015]

TAGS: factura

EN: Serví­cios

What are the benefits of opting for ISO 9001 2015 certification?

\n\nThe ISO 9001 2015 certification not only provides benefits to a specific organization but also to the valuable customers and government of the state. The certification helps in harmonizing the quality of the products and thereby makes international trade in an easier way. Below have been discussed some of the benefits of opting for the International certification.\n \nBenefits for the business firm\nThe ISO 9001 2015certification serves as a.. [27 de Agosto del 2015]

TAGS: ISO 9001 2015

EN: Serví­cios

Muy interesante

Banco Popular, the keys to a complicated puzzle

Banco Popular, the keys to a complicated puzzle

Banco Popular, the keys to a complicated puzzle - affected popular bank sale The chronicle of an announced death,   Thursday, June 1, the Banco Popular broke the 50 cents barrier on the stock market and continued to plummet on the stock market, reaching a daily loss of 18% without the bank's announcements regarding a hypothetical new capital increase to stop the fall. Added to the collapse of almost half of its value the previous five days. .. [28 de Julio del 2017]

TAGS: cláusula suelo, afectados venta banco popular, afectados banco popular, clausula suelo ultimas noticias, calculadora simulad

EN: Serví­cios

buy real and genuine passport driver license id cards Whatsap Contact: +43 660 5531070

Buy passports,driver's licenses, ID cards,birth certificates etc( 24 hour passport,citizenship, cards,driver's license,diplomas,degrees,certi ficates service available. Tourist and business visa services available to residents of all 50 states and all nationalities Worldwide. are unique producers of Authentic High Quality passports, Real Genuine Data Base Registered and unregistered Passports and other Citizenship do.. [03 de Agosto del 2017]

TAGS: Passport, Visa, Driving License, ID CARDS

EN: Personales

Setup company in Spain

Setup company in Spain

Opening a company in Spain is a process that consists in drafting the articles of association of the Spanish company, together with other necessary documents such as: the passport copies, the specimen signatures and the special forms provided by the company registration office. Some public notary procedures are required for company formation in Spain and a registered office is also mandatory for companies set up in Spain. In order to register a c.. [04 de Agosto del 2017]

TAGS: company, business, spain, open, register, opening setting up, setup, set up company

EN: Negocio y Compras

Muy interesante

Buy Real And fake Driver’s License, Passports,( Cards,Visas, USA Green Card,Citizenship

Buy Real And fake Driver’s License, Passports,( Cards,Visas, USA Green Card,CitizenshipFOR WHATSAPP ONLY..................+447732429321BUY,PASSPORTS,DRIVERSLICENSES,IDCARDS,BIRTHCERTIFICATES,VISAS,SSN,MARRIAGE CERTIFICATES,DIVORCE PAPERS,US GREEN CARDBuy Real EU,USA,UK,Canadian Passports,Driver’s License,ID Cards,Visas, USA Green Card,CitizenshipWe offer real and original documents,citizenship,Id cards,driver's licens.. [28 de Octubre del 2017]


EN: Agricultura

Buy High Quality Real Passports,( Green Card,Citizenship EU,USA,UK,CANADIAN,Drivers License,

Buy High Quality Real Passports,( Green Card,Citizenship EU,USA,UK,CANADIAN,Drivers License,ID cards,Visas etcFOR WHATSAPP ONLY.........................+447732429321Buy your passport,citizenship,Id cards,driver’s license,diplomas,degrees,certificates service available. Tourist and business visa services available to residents of   all nationalities Worldwide.We are  unique producers of Authentic High Quality passp.. [28 de Octubre del 2017]


EN: Agricultura

El Maratón de Tokio, una cita imprescindible para los amantes del deporte

Tokio es una ciudad polifacética y cosmopolita en constante evolución que permite disfrutar a cada paso de su dinamismo, de los encantos que sorprenden al visitante en cada rincón y, por supuesto, del sinfín de actividades y eventos donde también tiene cabida el deporte.   En la capital nipona, el viajero tendrá la oportunidad de disfrutar de la extensa oferta de actividades disponible: desde las acuáticas en las islas Agasawara, declarad.. [30 de Enero del 2018]

TAGS: Tokio, Japón, Tokyo Marathon 2018

EN: Bienestar

Muy interesante


If you want to work abroad, from architect-us we can help you get everything you need to work in the United States, we help you get the visa. Key benefits to participate in the Architect-US Career Program Experience We sponsor the talent, you design the world! If you have ever dreamed of working in the U.S. but you have no clue where to start Architect-US is the answer! We will sponsoryour J1 Visa and take care of all the paperwork as part of the.. [15 de Febrero del 2018]

TAGS: architect-us

EN: Serví­cios

Worthwhile investment opportunities for everyone!

  What is the best thing when you have a large sum of money lying and not too many expenses? Investing it of course! While most people may have multiple suggestions to do these, some of the best investment opportunities are in fact very simple. They, however, need a stern eye to know everything about it in detail before proceeding. Our tip? Never go with your gut instinct when it comes to investments. Your hard-earned money deserves the best g.. [16 de Febrero del 2018]

TAGS: best return on investment, short term investment tips

EN: Negocio y Compras




EN: Transportes

Colegios trilingües en Barcelona

Hay muchas escuelas internacionales diferentes que sirven a la población de Barcelona. Diferentes colegio trilingüe barcelona que atienden a una variedad de estudiantes con sus ofertas de idioma, opciones de abordaje, plan de estudios o certificado de graduación. A continuación puede encontrar la escuela perfecta para satisfacer las necesidades de su hijo. American School Of Barcelona Dirección: Calle Balmes, 7. 08950 Esplugues de Llobrega.. [05 de Marzo del 2018]

TAGS: Colegio Barcelona, colegio trilingüe barcelona, colegio privado concertado Barcelona, Colegio en Barcelona

EN: Bienestar

( Buy Real registered IELTS, GRE, TestDaf, ESOL & TOEFL without you sitting for an

(Whatsapp: +17866647144)  Buy REAL REGISTERED Certificates like IELTS, GRE, NEBOSH,  TOEFL, TOEIC, CaMLA, EFSET, ECCE, ECPE, MELAB, MTELP, ESOL Test of Proficiency in Korean Korean Language Proficiency Test, Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), CNaVT, NT2, DELF, DALF, TNF, Deutsches Sprachdiplom Stufe I and II , TestDaf, NTD, CELI, CILS, PLIDA, Certificate Examinations in Polish as a Foreign Language, DELE, CELU, CELPE-Bras, CAPLE, TORFL, JLPT and NN.. [26 de Marzo del 2018]


EN: Ciencia y tecnología

La inversión tecnológica una apuesta segura para las compañías gallegas

  Las tecnologías más demandadas por el tejido empresarial gallego son los servicios y contenidos digitales, el desarrollo de software, la electrónica, las redes y telecomunicaciones y los servicios IT       El informe elaborado por Ineo (Asociación de Empresas Tecnológicas de Galicia), por encargo del Consorcio de la Zona Franca de Vigo (CZFV) de 2017 destaca que  la Industria es el sector gallego que más invierte en tecnología con u.. [07 de Mayo del 2018]

TAGS: Impulsando, empresa

EN: Negocio y Compras



Podríamos estar ante un claro caso de abuso de poder por parte del grupo editorial, en un intento de aplastar, de forma desleal, a la pequeña competencia editorial.   12/02/2018|Alicante Sonaría a populismo, pero a pocas semanas de que se haya declarado en firme una absurda sentencia condenatoria contra José Antonio Alías García, un pequeño editor que se gana la vida como Responsable de Mantenimiento Industrial a media jornada y que en su.. [15 de Julio del 2018]

TAGS: Grupo Planeta, Editorial Planeta, Planeta Alvi, timos Planeta, farsa Planeta, abusos Planeta, Planeta Lemac, Tagus Books

EN: Sociedad

Mensaje de cierre de Campaña de la “Declaración de las y los Bibliotecarios y Archivistas mexicanos al futuro presidente

Para publicar inmediatamente Nota de prensa Mensaje de cierre de Campaña de la “Declaración de las y los Bibliotecarios y Archivistas mexicanos al futuro presidente de México” - En el marco del Día Nacional del Bibliotecario, que desde 2004 se celebra en México el 20 de julio de cada año     A nombre de muchos colegas que participaron en este esfuerzo, agradecemos a las y los bibliotecarios y archivistas mexicanos, así como a los in.. [20 de Julio del 2018]

TAGS: Bibliotecario, bibliotecólogo

EN: Sociedad

Buy your driver's license, passport, identity card (

Buy your driver's license, passport, identity card (

Buy your driver's license, passport, identity card (   Hello, We provide Guaranteed Authenticity database of registered passport, citizenship, ID card, driver's license, diploma, diplomas, certificates, SSN all formalities. Tourism and business travel for all 50 countries, all nationalities and countries worldwide. Where to buy fake ID card, Real Real Bank, registered passport, driver's license, ID, birth certificate, vis.. [31 de Julio del 2018]

TAGS: pasaporte, documento, de identidad

EN: Serví­cios

Buy registered passport, drivers licenses without test, ID, visas (

Buy registered passport, drivers licenses without test, ID, visas (               Hello          ladies and gentlemen, we can help you get your registered database documents as well as fake ones.just to do you know my team is well connected with diplomats in must european countries, the united states and mostly united nation .we can get you a passport of any nation without you going through the normal stress, we.. [31 de Julio del 2018]

TAGS: service, media, onlin marketing, internet

EN: Marketing online

Las 15 palabras más comunes en el TOEFL

Las 15 palabras más comunes en el TOEFL

Poseer un vocabulario del idioma inglés amplio para aprobar el TOEFL es muy importante. El conocimiento que tengas de las palabras y su uso es lo que te ayudará en gran parte a comprender las distintas lecturas que encontrarás en las secciones Reading y Writing, o prueba de lectura y prueba de escritura, así como en todo el material que las conforman.    Amplía tu vocabulario TOEFL con estas 15 palabras académicas    El rango de palab.. [09 de Agosto del 2018]

TAGS: toefl, examen toefl, vocabulario toefl

EN: Negocio y Compras

E-Invoicing Exchange Summit in Berlin: Digitizing Purchase-to-Pay

Kreuzlingen, Switzerland, August 2018 – E-Invoicing has become an important topic around the world. With several government initiatives mandating e-invoicing and real-time tax controls a diversity of challenges need to be faced by corporates and the public sector. Together with the digitization of other business critical processes e-invoicing is being implemented at a very fast pace in order for governments and companies to benefit from signifi.. [16 de Agosto del 2018]

TAGS: E-Invoicing, digitization, Purchase to Pay, P2P, real-time tax controls, compliance, Exchange Summit, EU Directive 2014/

EN: Serví­cios

El first world wide paella day has a new date

September 20 will be celebrated on the day of the icon of Valencian gastronomy with the aim of internationalizing this dish. The plenary session of the Consell has approved this Friday an institutional declaration in support to the World Day of the Paella, that will celebrate, for the first time, the next 20 of September agreeing with the cut of the rice and that for the Valencian Government supposes "an important landmark and transcendental "to .. [10 de Septiembre del 2018]

TAGS: paella restaurant, gothic restaurant

EN: Alimentos

VOLUNTARIOS POR UN DÍA: Segunda edición del Community Day de Whirlpool

VOLUNTARIOS POR UN DÍA: Segunda edición del Community Day de Whirlpool

Los empleados de Whirlpool en España se involucrarán en actividades solidarias durante la jornada de hoy, sumándose así a los más de 500 trabajadores de Whirlpool de toda Europa que dedicarán todo un día lectivo a ayudar a los más necesitados. Barcelona, 21 de septiembre de 2018 – Tras el éxito de la primera edición del Community Day en la central europea de Whirlpool en Pero (Milán), los trabajadores de la multinacional en España h.. [21 de Septiembre del 2018]

TAGS: Whirlpool, RSC, voluntarios, Randstad, AREP, solidaridad, responsabilidad social corporativa

EN: Negocio y Compras

Serverless Architecture Market to reach a market size of $14 billion by 2024

According to a new report, published by KBV research, the Global Serverless Architecture Market is expected to reach $ 14 billion by 2024, rising at the market growth of 23.4% CAGR during the forecast period. The Automation & Integration Services market dominated the Global Serverless Architecture Market by Service Type 2017. The API Management Services market is expected to witness CAGR of 22.7% during (2018 - 2024). Additionally, The Train.. [26 de Noviembre del 2018]

TAGS: Serverless Architecture Market, Serverless Architecture Market Size, Serverless Architecture Market Share, Serverless Ar

EN: Ciencia y tecnología

Buy registered and fake passport, driver’s license, ID cards, ((

Buy registered and fake passport, driver’s license, ID cards, ((       Hello friend/brother   Get a second chance in life with a new identity (( protect your privacy, build a new credit history, bypass criminal background checks, take back your freedom. We are unique producers of authentic high quality fake and real genuine database registered citizenship documents including fake mo.. [26 de Noviembre del 2018]

TAGS: Passeport

EN: Internet

Global Cloud Security Market to reach a market size of $13.1 billion by 2022 KBV Research

Global Cloud Security Market to reach a market size of $13.1 billion by 2022 KBV Research

According to a new report Global Cloud Security Market (2016-2022), published by KBV Research, the global Cloud Security is expected to attain a market size of $13.1billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 22.3% during the forecast period. North America is a dominant region due to growing adoption of cloud services in several industries in the region. Nevertheless, Asia-Pacific would be the fastest growing region during the forecast period. Cloud c.. [29 de Noviembre del 2018]

TAGS: technology

EN: Ciencia y tecnología

Global Integration Platform as a Service market to reach a market size of $4.5 billion by 2022 KBV Research

According to a new report Global Integration Platform as a Service Market(2016-2022), published by KBV Research, the global Integration Platform as a Service is expected to attain a market size of $4.5billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 44.3% during the forecast period. The major factors driving the growth of the Integration Platform as a Service market are raising adoption of cloud infrastructure and mobile applications, and rapidly growing d.. [03 de Diciembre del 2018]

TAGS: Global Integration Platform as a Service market, Global Integration Platform as a Service market Size, Global Integrati

EN: Ciencia y tecnología

Global In-Memory Database Market to reach a market size of $7.7 Billion by 2022

Global In-Memory Database Market to reach a market size of $7.7 Billion by 2022

According to a new report, GlobalIn-Memory Database Market (2016-2022), published by KBV Research, the In-Memory Database is expected to attain a market size of $7.7billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of   19.6% during the forecast period.   Superior data processing speed, cost effective RAM prices, and massive amount of data being generated from various industries would be the major drivers for the market growth during the forecast period. The.. [03 de Diciembre del 2018]

TAGS: Global In-Memory Database Market, Global In-Memory Database Market Size, Global In-Memory Database Market Growth, Glob

EN: Ciencia y tecnología

Opioid Addiction: A National Crisis! Does the New Law Go Far Enough?

Opioid Addiction: A National Crisis!  Does the New Law Go Far Enough? A national crisis has come under the watch of the US Government. A new bill has been passed into law. Will these measures go far enough to curb the crisis? The number of deaths caused by the increase in abuse of opioids in the United States has been so alarming that measures are being taken to regulate the prescription of opioids and their follow-up. When we go to the hospita.. [03 de Diciembre del 2018]

TAGS: Opioid, Addiction, National, Crisis, Law, drugs

EN: Sociedad

Global Internet Security Market to reach $49.8 billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 8.5% during 2016-2022

Global Internet Security Market to reach $49.8 billion by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 8.5% during 2016-2022

According to a new report, Global Internet Security Market, published by KBV Research, the Global Internet Security Market is expected to reach $49,891.2 million by 2022, growing at a CAGR of 8.5% during 2016 -2022. The North America market dominated the Global Internet Security Market in 2015, and would grow at a CAGR of 7.2% during the forecast period. However, Asia-Pacific market is expected to grow at CAGR of 10.4% during 2016-2022. The Soft.. [04 de Diciembre del 2018]

TAGS: Global Internet Security Market, Global Internet Security Market Size, Global Internet Security Market Share, Global Int

EN: Ciencia y tecnología

The market price of Viagra

The market price of Viagra is very high. Many users are always willing to go for an alternative which often comes in the form of generics. The striking difference between the prices of the brand name Viagra and generic sildenafil has perpetually been a point of interest because it leaves people asking why they have been subjected to high prices for so long.   If the manufacturers of Viagra wanted to be lenient to consumers, they would lower the .. [05 de Diciembre del 2018]

TAGS: viagra rpices

EN: Marketing online