Travels Guide

A first choice ally: the paper guide

Once your destination is stopped, before anything else, take an afternoon to scour some tourist guide shelves! The paper guide is indeed the essential tool to start organizing a trip. Why? Why? Before you even start talking about the programme and activities, you will be able to find all the information you need to know about your destination:


administrative procedures for entering the country (EU identity card, passport and/or visas for the 

rest of the world);

airlines serving the country or city;

climatic or meteorological characteristics ;

when is it advisable to travel to this place?

... and all kinds of other useful information.


How to make your choice in this jungle of the tourist guide when you know nothing about it?


Most guides today are of good quality: the information is generally reliable and updated regularly. The choice will therefore not be made according to the content but rather according to the form of the guide. Because what will really tip you in favour of this or that guide is its style: the style of writing, the editorial line, the layout, it's a matter of taste! If all the guides on Rome will tell you to visit the Colosseum, compare the difference in content that is devoted to it in the different guides: the mass of information will be more or less dense, the advice of visit will not be quite identical etc.. So the best thing is to take your time, go to work and manipulate the guides on the shelves before making your choice.


My favorite guides


From the beginning, I've been a Guide Exoticca! Honestly, don't stop at its moderately sexy appearance. Admittedly, they are not the most colourful and colourful guides, but the information and visiting tips are really of high quality. And above all, they really correspond to the dynamics I want to give to my travels. You may not know it but you find everything in the backpacker and not just addresses... backpackers! All ranges of accommodation and activities are presented and all types of travellers will find their benefit...


FECHA: a las 21:57h (1145 Lecturas)

TAGS: Travel, country, city

EN: Negocio y Compras