El first world wide paella day has a new date
September 20 will be celebrated on the day of the icon of Valencian gastronomy with the aim of internationalizing this dish.
The plenary session of the Consell has approved this Friday an institutional declaration in support to the World Day of the Paella, that will celebrate, for the first time, the next 20 of September agreeing with the cut of the rice and that for the Valencian Government supposes "an important landmark and transcendental "to promote this" cultural icon ".
«The paella is the epicenter of the gastronomic tradition of Valencia and its province, as well as a backbone of the gastronomy of the Valencian Community. Its potential, added to the different possibilities offered by its preparation and its relevance as a cultural icon of the Spanish territory, have made this dish one of the most prestigious global brands ", according to the resolution of which the vice president and spokesperson has reported. , Monica Oltra.
With the aim of "ennobling this culinary art" and highlighting the territory in which it originated, the Generalitat and the City Council of Valencia, together with the Business Hotel Federation of Valencia (FEHV), the DO Arroz de València, the International Contest of Paella Valenciana de Sueca and Wikipaella, promote World Paella Day.
The vice president and spokesperson of the Consell, Mónica Oltra, during the press conference held after the weekly plenary session to present the «World Day of Paella»
The vice-president and spokesperson of the Consell, Mónica Oltra, during the press conference held after the weekly plenary session to present the «World Day of the Paella» / EFE / KAI FÖRSTERLING
From the Consell stand out that the paella «has turned into one of the most important plates regarding the export of ingredients and utensils for his elaboration«, as well as that France, Italy, United Kingdom, Australia and the United States are the countries that the products related to its preparation demand more.
«From a tourist perspective, whose activity is fundamental for the economic, social and environmental development of the territory, paella is a key element to position Valencia and the Valencian Community as a gastronomic and reference destination of the Mediterranean diet at national and international level ; to value the orchard and the agro-food wealth of the region; and to articulate an attractive and extensive annual agenda of gastronomic events with the involvement of all the agents of the sector «.
For this reason, the celebration of World Paella Day is "an important and important milestone to work, together with all the actors that make up the tourism and gastronomy sector, in the pursuit of the goal of internationalizing the wealth that treasures this dish" .
The World Paella Day will be the main event of an entire calendar of activities that will extend throughout the month of September, bringing together the International Contest of Paellas de Sueca, the MadeinCV Rice Days in Valencia or the Fiesta de la Harvesting of Rice in the Natural Park of La Albufera.
If you'e in Barcelona on business or turism travel, you should visit a paella restaurant in barcelona and have a taste of this delicious icon of Valencian gastronomy in a restaurant gothic barcelona.
FECHA: a las 11:02h (335 Lecturas)
TAGS: paella restaurant, gothic restaurant
AUTOR: A. Sendra
EN: Alimentos