In the framework of XENIA Erasmus+ Project the University of Barcelona, one of the partner involved in the transnational project’s consortium held the workshop ‘Entre Griegas’ promoted within the Community Psychology course of Psychology studies by the University of Barcelona last 27th November 2020.

Using methods taken from the theatre of the oppressed and theatre for life, the workshop had the objective of investigating how to expand, multiply and bring together the cracks or breaks in the system of domination of the cis-hetero-patriarchal-monogamous-capitalist-euro-white in the context of the Faculty of Psychology.

35 students took part in this workshop that has been developed during 3 classes for a total of 6 hours, facilitated by Noé (collective of Las Precarias) together with Professors Dr. Moisés Carmona and Ruben David Fernández.

The “Entre Grietas” Workshop is part of a set of actions promoted by the University of Barcelona's Research Group on Interaction and Social Change to disseminate XENIA project and to penetrate Xenia impacts in the University context.

The aim and objectives of XENIA project are to develop and implement an inclusiveness index to support inclusion, equality and diversity in European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Specifically, an algorithm matrix based will measure the level of social and educational inclusiveness of sexual minority and gender marginalised students and staff within the HEIs context. The project will also share practices and tools for promoting and improving equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI).

FECHA: a las 15:18h (1948 Lecturas)

TAGS: erasmus+, xenia