ASTRA Project in Germany for the TCA "sustainability in Erasmus +: Towards the green transition" event
The ASTRA project was selected by the Italian Erasmus + National Agency to participate in the TCA "sustainability in Erasmus +: Towards the green transition", coordinated and promoted by the German National Agency Agentur Bildung für Europa, responsible for the Adult Education and Professional Training programs, from 2nd to 3th December 2021.
The two days were introduced by Bernd Fiedler (German National Agency Nationale Agentur Bildung für Europa) and Janina Meyer: the priorities regarding the Environment and Environmental Sustainability were illustrated in detail, from the point of view of both the regulatory agencies and the Erasmus + beneficiaries.
The two days were undoubtedly of extreme importance because they identified, illustrated and clarified the priorities of the Programme not only from the point of view of the European regulatory agencies, but also from the perspective of the beneficiaries who, possibly, wish to try their hand at new projects. The notion of "sustainable mobility" was illustrated above all in the context of Key Action 1, the set of improvements and simplifications in the application phase, the notion and importance of Accreditation, the centrality of Sport as an Erasmus + transversal practice and culture. Great attention was paid to mobility: low carbon means of transport where possible, more support and financial resources for “green” mobility for students (Higher Education), with an increase of 15%.
Sustainability is not just travel: the Programme encourages actions and projects capable of contributing to Environmental Sustainability Education in various ways, integrating curricula, proposing non-formal and informal actions and methodologies, etc.
Very important networking opportunities, as well as the projects presented and the interventions of the guests: Antje Brock (Institut Futur, Freie Universität Berlin), Ludwig Volker (Sustainability Through Cross-Border Circular Economy project), Mark Beutner (Green Entrepreneurship Training Project - Underpinning Prosperity), Bernard Combes (UNESCO) and many others.
The TCA and networking activities were an opportunity to present ASTRA and its partnership to many similar organizations in Europe, also becoming part of a large EPALE group dedicated to promoting sustainable culture in Erasmus+.
FECHA: a las 17:18h (1065 Lecturas)
AUTOR: Internet Web Solutions
EN: Internet