SmartPQ®️ is the versatile picosecond laser for dermatology, plastic surgery, and aesthetic medicine

SmartPQ®️ is the versatile picosecond laser for dermatology, plastic surgery, and aesthetic medicine
Viosculpt™, a global company dedicated to the research, development, and marketing of technological equipment, seeks to position itself as one of the companies with the greatest potential in the laser market with its SmartPQ®, a versatile picosecond laser, which has come to innovate in dermatological treatments and cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures.

The innovative technology of SmartPQ®️ delivers high-energy ultrashort discharges to the skin, in one billionth of a second, enabling an unparalleled photomechanical impact wave on the target, without causing tissue damage around the treated area.

In this way, procedures with the team generate better results in fewer sessions; In addition, the effects are amazing, immediate and without recovery time for patients.

SmartPQ®️ is positioned in the dermatological, plastic surgery, and aesthetic medicine sector as an unprecedented innovation in laser technology for tattoo removal, by working with two wavelengths: 1064 nm ND Yag, for black, gray, dark green and blue; and in the length of 532 nm KTP, to remove red, orange, brown and yellow colors.

Thanks to its various applications, the equipment works perfectly to conduct non-ablative rejuvenation treatments, such as SmartPeel, which is a non-invasive procedure that consists of exfoliating the superficial layer of the skin, reducing pores, and improving its appearance. without generating disability and without risk of complications. In addition, it is perfect for treating underarm and genital area whitening in a truly short time and without pain with its PQToning treatment.

Similarly, the Viosculpt™ laser works to eliminate benign pigmented skin lesions, such as melasmas, lentigines, light brown spots, nevus of Ota, among others, and, thanks to the diversity of laser wavelengths, it also It effectively removes spider veins.

Another great advantage of this picosecond laser is that it helps to close pores, eliminate fine wrinkles and improve the skin in general; but it also helps treat acne scars, thanks to an exclusive protocol developed by the Viosculpt clinical team, with which it is possible to work scars without burns, unlike those that can be generated with other types of lasers.

Due to its photoacoustic effect, SmartPQ®️ perfectly removes everything related to nail fungus and bacteria, much faster and painlessly. It also works very deep skin stretch marks, helping to generate neo-collagenesis.

Many clinical studies show that thanks to the versatility of Viosculpt™ company's SmartPQ®️ picosecond technology, an innovative and revolutionary way of treating various skin conditions is now open to dermatologists, plastic surgeons, and aesthetic doctors.



Viosculpt™ is a global company dedicated to the research, development and commercialization of technological equipment at the service of dermatological medicine, plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine.

We address the new and growing needs of our development areas, offering medical professionals state-of-the-art solutions that are perfectly adapted to the 21st century health economics environment.

VioSculpt™ products have CE certifications as well as the approval of various regulatory agencies around the world.

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TAGS: Dermatology, Plastic Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine, Laser, Picosecond, SmartPQ, Viosculpt

EN: Ciencia y tecnología