Undoubtedly, Hip Hop is Changing in recent years, every year new faces of Hip Hop Rap appear, Rookies or Beginners, there are Big Rappers, in the case of being so, CHCRIS for some Current Hip Hop Fans of the newbies is the one that stands out and the What more power he can have is different from any Rapper, he was not born in the United States, but you can say American and Rapper from the USA, he is a New School Rapper, a Ganster of this Generation, it only remains to be seen what happens with CH and his CareerCHCRIS will be an Important Piece in the New Generation of Rappers and an Important Figure in the Coming Years

CHCRIS or CHC or CH is a Rapper composer of Hip Hop Rap Music and Trap music CRIS Molo Akapo his real name was born in (September 4, 2004 Africa Equatorial Guinea) CRIS Has a Guinean Part as a part of the United States CHCRIS has different musical genres and those are Him (Rap, Trap, Drill, Hip Hop) among others CHC is a Rapper of the Hip Hop Rap Genre and Drill is a Promise of New Music and Rap Trap everyone tells CRIS how great he is is and will be


CRIS molo akapo es un Artista musical Rapero y compositor de música CHCRIS su nombre Artístico conocido (Nació el 4 de Septiembre del 2004) Africa Guinea ecuatorial CH tiene Distintos géneros musicales que utiliza en sus canciones que son el Hip Hop Rap Trap y Drill CHCRIS se caracteriza por se un Rapero diferente Que con sus distintos géneros en una canción o en un Álbum Música logra diferenciase .

CRIS molo akapo is a Musical Artist Rapper and music composer CHCRIS his known stage name (He was born on September 4, 2004) Africa Equatorial Guinea CH has different musical genres that he uses in his songs that are Hip Hop Rap Trap and Drill CHCRIS is characterized by being a different Rapper Who with his different genres in a song or in a Music Album manages to differentiate himself.

The next thing you will see was said by the Rapper CHCRIS, we informed and communicated that everything he puts is from the Rapper CHCRIS, he said that his life changed when he got into music, simply everything, I did not expect everything I am doing or anything about it at all. what I am getting is simply unexpected I remember when it was 2014 or less 2012 this was still not so much in my head until in 2016 if I wanted to try to do something with music at that time I was just thinking what to do and how I could start until now that was easy with anything I improvised and got some rhymes. I liked how I got into it. I said that I would be one of the greats when I am more adult now I am in my muviss I do not concentrate on that only to fulfill and release new music my The word I use to motivate myself is that with the little I do, it will be more and with what I try, it will be more than that. It will be time, I can still know that I can and I will achieve it. My life was never easy. Things always happened to me, everything didn't work out for me. Before, I did a lot of things that weren't done. I behaved badly or didn't pay attention to what they told me. I wasn't the typical Black Boy who did what they told him. I felt like a black boy who is more than black, they put me in a 2-year-old

The next thing you will see was said by the Rapper CHCRIS, we informed and communicated that everything he puts is from the Rapper CHCRIS, he said that his life changed when he got into music, simply everything, I did not expect everything I am doing or anything about it at all. what I am getting is simply unexpected I remember when it was 2014 or less 2012 this was still not so much in my head until in 2016 if I wanted to try to do something with music at that time I was just thinking what to do and how I could start until now that was easy with anything I improvised and got some rhymes. I liked how I got into it. I said that I would be one of the greats when I am more adult now I am in my muviss I do not concentrate on that only to fulfill and release new music my The word I use to motivate myself is that with the little I do, it will be more and with what I try, it will be more than that. It will be time, I can still know that I can and I will achieve it. My life was never easy. Things always happened to me, everything didn't work out for me. Before, I did a lot of things that weren't done. I behaved badly or didn't pay attention to what they told me. I wasn't the typical Black Boy who did what they told him. I felt like a black boy who is more than black, they put me in a 2-year-old

Italian nun boarding school

There is me that from 2006 -2007 until I think that in 2008 -2009 I left and there I went to my school, I think that they always moved me from one place to another because I did not pay attention to what they told me, it was very problematic for me I agree if I was the typical one who liked to answer and say what he thought I never had a life of those that appear on TV mine was very strange and sad I always felt like pressure and a lot of lack of relatives it's not that I didn't have a family It is that at times I felt very alone and very fragile, I had nothing to do, just meet friends or talk about Muviss, etc. If you understand me, in the years 2010-2011-2012-2013-2014 I began to like music. It has to be seen much more. In truth, I used to listen to it before, but at that moment I did not feel prepared to listen to it. At those points I remember that thanks to my cousin I liked Hip hop Rap music more, among all she taught me the best Rappers of those years and the Rappers before that from 2000-2001-2002 to 1996-and below there are in the times of Tupac and Biggie among other more Rappers of the time that was a key point in my stage as a Rapper.

After all the music that my cousin taught me, I wanted to do that, I liked it, I loved it, and what was the best thing to try? Until now I have it as the key date of my musical Ratchet. My Favorite Rappers that gave me influence I really don't know how to say, you get an idea of ​​all the ones I listened to in all that time.

After all the music that my cousin taught me, I wanted to do that, I liked it, I loved it, and what was the best thing to try? Until now I have it as the key date of my musical Ratchet. My Favorite Rappers that gave me influence I really don't know how to say, you get an idea of ​​all the ones I listened to in all that time.

In the current years, all bad and good things happened to me 2021 I began to see that I am growing as a Rapper and Composer in 2022 It was a Big Year for me but So good Bad At the end of the year like that They gave me an Award or Achievement that ice at that time my music went all over the world E.E.U.U. , UK. SP..RD. The more countries But something bad happened to me Almost ***** In a Carretera something that I don't count much and in a bad act I could see *** for running away I think That's how I know my Life is like I say A Muvi my Muviss Everything Good Like Bad Until Now I Remember Everything that happened to me from my beginnings until my promotion as a New Rapper now you are seeing a little of what I am capable of and what I can become I still don't know if I will be the best but I know that I will be something

La Actualidad de CHC es mucha esta cada vez creciendo como Rapero tan bien como Futura Estrella es uno de esos Raperos que hay que verle desde 0 asta que ya este en su cúspide CHCRIS Sin ninguna duda sera o es uno de la mejores promesas de la nueva generación de Raperos CH lo esta Consiguiendo poco a poco pero lo consigue muchos sus fans como fans de Genero Hip Hop o Drill están atentos ala nueva música de CHCRISThe CHC News is a lot, he is growing as a Rapper every time as well as a Future Star, he is one of those Rappers that you have to see him from 0 until he is already at his peak CHCRIS Without any doubt he will be or is one of the best promises of the new generation of CH Rappers is getting it little by little but many of their fans, like fans of the Hip Hop or Drill genre, are attentive to the new music of CHCRIS

CHCRIS Creo el CH Para Representarse mas como Rapero algo que cualquiera de sus Fans Puede Hacer Lo creo CH en 2019 -2020 Fue Hay donde Empezó Hacer Su Famoso Gesto del CH el Gesto del Rapero Viene de su Nombre C de CRIS y H Que Complemento el y luego lo convino con su nombre Artístico y Separo CHCRIS .....CH Le cogió solo el CH y se quedo en CH este Gesto esta Creciendo así como el Rapero como THE MUVISS .CHCRIS Created the CH To Represent Himself more as a Rapper, something that any of his Fans Can Do. CH Created it in 2019 -2020 It was There where He Started Making His Famous Gesture of CH, the Rapper's Gesture Comes from his Name C of CRIS and H That Complements the and then he agreed with his artistic name and separated CHCRIS ..... CH He took only the CH and stayed in CH this Gesture is Growing as well as the Rapper as THE MUVISS.


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