L’Italia, gli Europei i Mondiali: un uomo ha la soluzione per la vittoria

Alessio Sundas has the key to making Italy win again at the European Championships and the World Cup, here's how
Thanks to the algorithm, Italy will finally win the World Cup again.
Oracle Genius Soccer, the brilliant idea of the sports agent, Alessio Sundas, who uttered the exact words: 'In this way, our country can become part of the annals forever, as young footballers can be valorised. What every athlete lacks is knowing where he can go. For this reason, it is necessary to take objective data into account. Match analysts have always carried out the important work of collecting data on metric and KPI values and, thanks to the algorithm and how it was conceived, the high data was bought by those who made history such as: Maradona, Pelè and Ronaldo. Once the player achieves his performance which is filmed by the cameras, which send the videos to all the rate analyst companies to then have the metric values and, based on these metric values, we are able to see where it's the mistake. Obviously, if we are able to see the error, we can mobilize in order to perfect it and, therefore, the young footballer who has the possibility of moving forward can improve through the analysis of metric values. Furthermore - continues Sundas - I remind you that for almost all roles there are 32, while for the goalkeeper there are 18. Once we take the error into account, we can improve it and, at the same time, we can give young talents the opportunity to move forward. So, in this way, we can remove all those kids and families who think they have a promising player or a new Lionel Messi who, in reality, isn't one at all. Thanks to the valorization method (invented by me) we can have a unit of measurement that varies between 1 and 1000 and, based on this, we can understand which club is most suitable for the athlete who does not necessarily have to be professional.
This could be the solution that can see Italy triumph again at both the European Championships and the World Cup, as the coaches will have the squad of promising young Italian footballers at their disposal. Currently, we start from Italy, but within 10 years, this unit of measurement will be used throughout the world. And, therefore, once we find ourselves in front of a player, it will become simple to ask him 'But what is your score from 1 to 1000?'. Based on the score we will know the future and career of each of them. We value world football. We know the future of the players and, above all, in Italy we will return to winning the World Cup' concluded Alessio Sundas.
What is Oracle Genius
Oracle Genius Soccer is a platform, an application that will go down in history just like its creator: Alessio Sundas. In essence it is a unit of measurement that allows you to evaluate the power of the footballer and, consequently, the values of young talents. In particular, it recognizes skills by loading games and then basing it on objective and truthful data. A unique invention that will go down in history.
For Sundas it would be a duty to adopt this unit of measurement throughout Italy, but also throughout the world as it would allow the various clubs and the player himself to have with him and always available the technical sheets which highlight both the strengths of the footballer and those who should be worked on to strengthen them.
Oracle Genius Algorithm Soccer evaluates and compares the value of top players such as Ronaldo, Pele, Neymar, Maradona, Lionel Messi with young players in clubs such as Liverpool, Juventus, Bayern Munich, Anderlecht, Ajax and Barcelona using certified KPI data that evaluates performance from one to 1,000 points to determine the skill level of young players.
FECHA: a las 16:56h (1795 Lecturas)
TAGS: oracle genius
AUTOR: Alessio Sundas
EN: Deportes