Telegram Subscription Bot
We propose that you create your own Telegram bot so that certain questions can be found anywhere in your channel or group. Without knowing how to program.
One of the particularities of Telegram is that it comes with a varied selection of bots, that is, automated users that allow you to do such disparate things as search for videos on YouTube, consult things on IMDb or Wikipedia, search for images and GIF animations or even play with other users.
In addition to the existence of bots that can invite you to your channels or conversations and use them for your purposes, Telegram also allows you to create your own bot and indicate what actions to do or how to respond to certain requests.
Telegram makes it relatively easy for you to create a bot with the help of its own BotFather bot. Let's see what it consists of.
A bot that controls all bots
Available in any version of Telegram, for desktop or for mobile devices, the purpose of BotFather is to control other bots and create them for your own account. Telegram managers recommend it as one of the easiest ways to create your own bot.
Specifically, to start dealing with BotFather you will tend to open a conversation by clicking on this link that corresponds to BotFather's Telegram.
Once we have an open conversation, click on Start or Start to start it and we will see a list with all the commands that BotFather contains. With these commands, we will create our own bot and do everything necessary to configure it and start it up.
The complete list of commands is available on this Telegram page and on the BotFather conversation channel on Telegram. For another thing, you can create a new bot with /newbot by giving it a name and a user name. Luego Telegram will give you an authorization token to implement this bot. The token is no longer an alphanumeric code necessary for the bot to implement the Telegram Bot API.
You bot can have a profile like another user. In addition to the name and user name, you can include an image, a description, etc. Regarding its behavior, you can define beforehand which commands your bot will respond to.
Before including your bot in your group or Telegram channel, you should play with it and make sure it works as you want. Furthermore, you can test the commands and adapt them to the use you are intended to give them. Press here Telegram Subscription Bot
FECHA: a las 15:29h (1340 Lecturas)
TAGS: telegram