The massage
An important thing to consider before buying any Erotic Massage Barcelona oil has to be the allergy.
For this reason, it is important to always check the ingredients and composition of the massage oil you wish to purchase.
Remember that there is a possibility that you or the recipient of the massage may be allergic to the oil and this should be taken into consideration.
One common allergy worth considering is a nut allergy. There are people who suffer reactions from nut-based oils and this is why it should be part of the considerations when purchasing a massage oil.
Keep in mind that there are many nut-based oils on the market and they may even be the most popular.
Almond oils and other nut-based oils have very good beneficial properties and that is why they are loved by the massage industry. However,
Understanding the different types of massage
There are different types of massage and this means that there would be different oils suitable for different types of massage.
Understanding these differences and then the consistency needed for these massages is very important.
If the massage is a deep tissue massage, then heavier massage oils may be ideal as they offer less slipperiness and possibly more friction.
However, for some other massages such as erotic or sensual massages, the best oil to use are light oils.
This is because light oils offer more glide and almost no friction, which makes it easier, smoother and offers much needed pleasure in an erotic massage.
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TAGS: erotic